
The Rise of eSports

 The eSports industry has become immense, and although a relatively new genre, it got off to a flying start immediately. eSports betting is available at numerous online casinos and betting sites. It is estimated that revenue from eSports will top US$30 billion by 2021. There are more than a billion gamers, and there is a considerable eSports fan base. Although significantly different from traditional sports such as Football or Basketball, not many people regard eSports as a real sport. The industry has become a force to be reckoned due to its unique betting possibilities and options. When you bet on eSports, your chances and odds are favourable. Games and eSports tournaments can give you an edge when choosing a team. eSports is an electronic, competitive gaming experience that involves multiplayer competitions.

eSports Games

 The games come in many different shapes and sizes. There are ‘first-person shooter’ (FPS), ‘real-time strategy’ (RTS) games, and multiplayer games such as battle arena (MOBA). The games are highly competitive, and the multi-player system is engaging. They are ideal for competitive tournaments held around the world with high prizes. Renowned eSports competitions include League of Legends World Championship, the Evolution Championship Series, FIFA 2020, The Intel Extreme Masters tourney, and the NBA 2K. The games are streamed live on Twitch, with massive prizes awarded to the eventual winners.

eSports Evolution

Organised online game competitions have always been part of the gambling community. eSports’ popularity has skyrocketed, and pro-gamers have infiltrated video gaming. It has created a professional culture with many ongoing tournaments. The most notable is Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), League of Legends (LOL), NBA 2K, FIFA 2020, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Call of Duty, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, Overwatch and StarCraft II. They attract massive viewership and enjoy immense publicity.

Impressive eSports Stats

 With so many viable streaming platforms, eSports tournaments attract millions of viewers. Twitch, YouTube and bring the games to the masses. Major League Gaming has a viewership of 85% male, and 15% female. The majority are between 18 and 34, and the presence of female gamers is increasing from year to year. eSports prize money for tournaments reach $600 million, and almost half a million people follow eSports events and competitions. Many viewers use a mobile device to watch events, and by 2022, more than 60% will use a mobile. eSports reaches millions from all over the world with ease. It has evolved with the Internet and is accessible. Viewers can tune in to Twitch to watch players and learn tactics in real-time! It allows for interaction between viewers.


 Online casinos have opened their doors for players to wager on eSports. It has been gaining traction recently with the suspension of live sporting competitions around the world. It provides punters with a realistic alternative to betting in the absence of live sports and beyond. The variety of games and contests will ensure eSports remains hugely popular and more relevant and accessible in the future.

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